Thursday, July 21, 2011


To care for someone with hypothermia: -
Move the person out of the cold. If going indoors is not possible, protect the person from
the wind, cover his or her head and insulate his or her body from the cold ground.
Remove wet clothing. Replace it with warm, dry covering.
Call for emergency medical assistance.
While waiting for help to arrive, monitor the person's breathing and pulse. If either has
stopped or seems dangerously slow or shallow begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation If
emergency care is not available, warm the person with a bath of 37.7  to 40.5 C . The water
should be warm to the touch but not hot. If this isn't possible, try to insulate the person by
sharing body heat.
Do not give the person alcohol. Offer warm nonalcoholic drinks unless he or she is

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